latest news

    "Vote for a Better Society - An appeal from children to parents" campaign

    We are launching a special vote awareness campaign, and we need your participation!

    Capture your children with slogans on their placards, and send us the photographs. The slogans can be in English, Telugu or Hindi and there is no limit on the number of entries that a child can send.

    We're excited to create a video featuring the 10 best creations in each language, which we will share with the world.

    Kids below 18 years of age can send in their creations along with their Name, Gender, Age, Class, Place of Residence, Parent's Name and Phone Number to: on or before 5th of November, 2023.

    You may call us on +91-9893896501 for any clarifications.

    Please click here for further details.

    World Elder's Day

    'My Little Hands' team has celebrated The World Elder's Day and Joy of Giving Week at Sri Satya Sai Seva ashram (Old-Age Service Home) at Kondapur, Hyderabad. The World Elder's Day is celebrated on the 1st of October every year. Meanwhile, please participate in our latest project, "Project Roots" to support this worthy initiative.

Children's 'change' can change a Lot

Let us encourage our children to save some 'change' (coins) daily in a kiddy Bank (Hundi) dedicated for a great cause. Our intention is to reinforce the idea that the money in the Kiddy Bank is for a noble cause. We will have get-togethers at regular intervals (say monthly) with the kids and parents to talk about the possibilities to help the deprived children. The little money saved by the kids will be pooled from all the kiddy banks and a decision as to how it is to be spent would be arrived upon in these interactions. The amount, big or small, though in a little way, will definitely change some one's life for the better.

The following are a few categories where the money could be spent:
  • Orphan children
  • Sick and poor children
  • Poor children who cannot afford to attend schools
  • Any other deprived children
  • To any genuine charity organizations working for deprived children